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Korean Language Department For Issuing Grade Report & Certificate of the 2023 Summer Semester

Date 23-08-14 13:06
  • Writer iie
  • Hit 1,215


This is Kyung Hee University International Education Center.

From the summer semester of 2023, only applicants who have completed Google Form within the period will be issued as PDF grade reports and certificates, but not papaers.

Students who want to issue a certificate of completion should fill out the Google form during the period below.

<Grade Reports & Certificates for Summer Semester (10 weeks course)>

Application period: August 14 (Mon) to August 22 (Tue)

Link to Google Form: https://forms.gle/S9R6RGJG6y7UNKLM6

Transmission period: Before September 8, 2023 (8/30~9/8)

* Please complete the form within the application period.

Thank you.

Kyung Hee University International Education Center