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Registration Guide
  • Eligibility
    • Overseas Koreans and foreigners who are 18 years and older or have the equivalent academic ability
  • How to Apply
    • Submit application form and common required documents by mail/post, or in person
  • Application Process
    • 1. Regular Course
    • info_regu_en.jpg
    • 2. Intensive(3-Week) 
    • info_oline_en.jpg
    • ※ Generally, it takes more than one month from application submission to visa issuance. The visa issuance procedure differs from country to country, so please check it with the Korean embassy in your residential area in advance.

1. Regular Course

STEP 01. Submission of admission documents and related documents

  • Prepare application form and supporting documents, then send by mail/courier, or in-person.

서울특별시 동대문구 경희대로 26 경희대학교 국제교육원 행정실 106호 (우편번호: 02447)
Rm106, Institute of International Education, Kyung Hee University, 26 Kyungheedae-ro, Dongdaemun-gu, Seoul, Korea (zip code : 02447)

※ Submitted documents are not returnable.

  • 1. Application Form

    • Online application on the website.

    ※ Admission may be canceled if false information is discovered on the application form.

  • 2. Regular Course

    • * All documents must arrive until deadline. (Late submission is not allowed)
    • * All documents other than either in English or Korean must be translated and notarized before submit them.
    • * We do not return submitted documents and your admission will cancel automatically if you provide false document.
    • * All students on regular course are subscribed to the international insurance.
Name Description D-4 Designated
1. Application Form Online application on the website
2. Photo White background, taken within three months
3. Passport copy 1 passport copy (legible copy)
4. Study Plan & Self Introduction Write in Korean or English
5. Diploma or Graduation Certificate Other than Mainland China 2 copy of Graduation Certificate or Diploma
① Apostilled original Copy
② If your country is not joined Apostille, it must be certified by Korean Embassy/Consulate
③ For other visa holder, please contact to IIE before submission.
- Your document must be apostilled or certified no earlier than six months from the last day of submission.

(* One copy should be submitted to IIE and save one copy for visa application at the Korean embassy/consulate)
Mainland China (Except Hong Kong, Macau, Taiwan (ROC)) ① Scanned copy of original diploma
② Original Certificate from CHSI (學信网)
- 2 copy
- Must submit original copy from CHSI. But, College (中專) graduate must get certified by Korean Embassy/Consualte. (As CHSI (學信网) verification is not available.)
③ For other visa holder, please contact to IIE before submission.
(* One copy should be submitted to IIE and save one copy for visa application at the Korean embassy/consulate)
6. Bank Certificate ① 2 copy of bank certificate have 10,000,000 KRW or more.
(* One copy should be submitted to IIE and save one copy for visa application at the Korean embassy/consulate)
- It must have English description.
- Bank statement is not acceptable.
- It must be issued within 30 days from deadline
- For Applicants from Mainland China, a balance must be hold more than nine months from document submission date.
- If a bank account owned other than applicant, must submit Family relation certificate from the government. For Japanese citizen, must submit Household Registration (戶籍) copy.
7. Family Relationship Other than China ① Family relationship certificate
- Additional document required if your parents are deceased or divorced.
- Only certificate from the government is valid.
- Certificate must be issued within three months from deadline.
② Parent and Applicant ID copy
③ Parent’s employment certificate or proof of income (example: pension receipt)
- Certificate must be issued within three months from current employed compnay.
Mainland China ① Additional document required if your parents are deceased or divorced.
② Parent and Applicant ID copy
8. Period of absence documents *If Applicable
Supporting documents is required if you apply for admssion other than graduation year
- Example: Employment Certificate, University Attendance certificate
9. Alien Registration Card. ① Copy of Alien Registration Card
- For Korean Visa holder, need to submit Alien Registration Card copy (Front and Back)
10. Consent for collecting, using, and providing personal information Consent to the collection of personal information in accordance with the operation of the Kyung Hee University International Education Center program
- Will be attached when the invoice is sent
11. Dormitory Admission Documents (For Accepted Residents Only) ① 1 copy of Tuberculosis (TB) Diagnosis Certificate (in English)
- Must be issued within 3 months prior to the dormitory move-in date. (one day before the start of each semester)
② 1 copy of Measles Vaccination Document (in English)
- If vaccinated against measles, a measles antibody test result (Result: Positive) must be submitted.

* Documents must be submitted as a PDF file first, and the original copies must be provided upon dormitory check-in.

1. Original document

1. Application Form 2. Photo 4. Study Plan & Self Introduction 5. Diploma or Graduation Certificate 6. Bank Certificate 7. Family Relationship Certificate (Other than Mainland China) / Parent’s employment certificate or proof of income 8. Period of absence documents

2. Copy

3. Passport Copy 7. Parents and applicant’s ID copy 10. Alien Registration Card copy (For Korean visa holder)

※ We may ask additional document for screening

<Designated countries by Korean Government> (21 countries in total)
China (Mainland), Philippines, Indonesia, Bangladesh, Vietnam, Mongolia, Thailand (Thai), Pakistan, Sri Lanka, India, Myanmar, Nepal, Iran, Uzbekistan, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Ukraine, Nigeria, Ghana, Egypt, Peru

STEP 02. Document Screening

STEP 03. Notification of Document Screening Results

- We will notify to all students after 6~7 weeks from deadline.

STEP 04. Tuition Payment

- Tuition payments should be made in the student’s name.
※ In the case of an agent, please send the receipt of payment and student information by email.

STEP 05. Issuance of Certificate of Admission (for students applying for visa) & Visa Application

  • If you need a certificate of admission to apply for a visa, please check the certificate of admission issue option in the application form (must include current address, telephone number, and degree details).
  • The certificate of admission will be issued after the tuition payment is paid (takes one to two weeks). When you cancel the course and get a refund, an original copy of the certificate of admission must be returned.
  • If applying for a visa, tuition fees for two or more semesters must be paid at one time.

※ Visa Application

STEP 06. Completion of Registration

- Please check the orientation and class placement test schedule.

2. Intensive(3-Week)


Applications for short-term courses are only accepted by post, and original documents submitted will not be returned.

Please note that we only accept documents that have arrived at the office by the deadline.

1. Application form (Online application on the website)
2. Color copy of your passport (ID page, A4 size, Color)
3. Graduation certificate or Diploma
- We only accept students who graduated from a high school or upper.
- We only accept an original document issued less than six months from deadline.
- Photocopy is not acceptable
- If your document is other than Korean or English, you need to translate and notarize it.
  • * We only accept applications via post/courier. Documents sent by email are not acceptable.
  • * The course can be canceled due to low volume of applications.
  • * We do not issue Visa documents for students taking intensive classes. Therefore, you must prepare entry documents by yourself. (For example: K-ETA, Visitor Visa)
  • * For K-ETA application: https://www.k-eta.go.kr/portal/apply/index.do
  • * For Korean Visa application: https://www.visa.go.kr/
  • * We do not return documents. By submitting a document, you agree with our term.
  • * Translation must be notarized or apostille obtained.
  • * All students on short-term course are subscribed to the international insurance.
  • For more information, please refer to our brochure we attached or visit our website. (iie.khu.ac.kr)
  • Others

* Registration Cancellation

  • As long as the IIE Deen approves, registration can be cancelled.
    (However, the application fee is non-refundable.)

* Registration Policy

  • The tuition refund policy applies the provisions in the Lifelong Education Act.
General English Chinese Japanese
Email iie@khu.ac.kr iie-english@khu.ac.kr iie-chinese@khu.ac.kr iie-japanese@khu.ac.kr
Phone +82-2-961-0081~2  +82-2-961-0083/2296+82-2-961-0083/2296